Content Creation
Research shows that nine out of ten people using the internet are not necessarily searching for a specific company or product, rather, they are searching for solutions to their concerns or problems. Given this, sponsored ads, banner messaging and other forms of online advertising are ignored in this day of consumer driven sales. The good news? These people are looking for answers and engaging, compelling content that is original and relevant will draw interest and visibility toward a brand.
Creating content for small business is a cornerstone of inbound marketing; quality content can drive sales, attract customers and build relationships. It also builds credibility, perceptions of expertise and brand awareness. In addition, providing engaging content on your website, blog or social media profile is a key to optimizing search engine results and generating traffic. And traffic is where your potential customers come from.
Here at Voncor Communications, our Content Creation services has been helping small and mid-sized companies develop a wide variety of deliverables for their marketing programs since before people called it content marketing. Here’s how we can help:
Content Strategy – Your goals become our driving force, so we learn as much as we can about you and your customer base, and then develop a search and content marketing strategy specifically matched to your individual goals. It’s all about you and your business.
Editorial Calendar Development – We will craft a comprehensive editorial calendar specific to your goals and budget mapped to the information needs of your customers. Frequent and engaging content is the key to meeting or exceeding your marketing goals, and the right mix and amount of content assures your success.
Search Engine Services – We conduct extensive keyword research, identifying the keywords and phrases most used by consumers to find you and your products and services; and then weave them into content in an engaging and elegant manner.
Blog Content Creation – Generating enough original content is not easy, especially when you are also responsible for running your business at the same time. We learn about you and your business and can do it for you. Original pieces with a mix of curated content from across the web can bring about an enhanced brand image and create the perception of thought leadership.
Article Writing & White Papers – Our journalistic training helps us to tell your brand or product stories through lifestyle articles, information-packed white papers or advertorial copy without sounding like self-serving sales pitches.
Marketing & PR Content – We can create newsletters, email marketing campaigns, sales collateral, press releases and mobile content that represent real value to customers and prospects as well as website, magazine or newspaper publishers and editors.
Social Media – We can develop an ongoing content generation vehicle to interact with your social media followers which will create content that will be both read and shared.
Customer Success Stories – We help you to engage your customer base to tell stories in case study format which help prospects envision how their own challenges might be met.
Web Copy Services – Establish your company as the go-to place to obtain information about your category as well as a destination from which to purchase goods and services through optimized web page content.

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