Marketing, Advertising, Web Design & PR for Construction & Related Companies

Voncor Construction Page Banner

“Madison Avenue” quality creative that Connecticut Architectural, Construction, and Trade Services companies can actually afford? Does that sound like an oxymoron? Well, it isn’t.

Voncor Communications can help figure out the best message for your company and then drive it to market with a mix of cost-effective yet impactful communications tactics:  Websites. Content Marketing. Drone Photography. Social Media. PR. Direct Mail. Pay-per-click advertising.

We help a variety of companies just like yours trumpet the value of their products or services to customers and prospects alike.

About Voncor Communications

Voncor Communications is a marketing communications consultancy established by Madison Avenue Advertising veteran EJ Vongher. The consultancy was established in Sausalito, CA, and moved to Connecticut in 2011. We opened our office here in Essex, CT in 2017 and have enjoyed every moment of working in this special community with a variety of clients.

Since moving to Connecticut, one business segment we’ve focused on is the construction industry. We’ve always had an affinity for clients who “build things”; probably instilled while hanging around my grandfather Walter H. Cochran’s drafting table. So we grow very excited when our residential roofing client Connecticut Roofcrafters calls to announce another project ripe for a timelapse video.  Other recent projects of note:  a new website for hazardous material inspection company Adelaide Health LLC, commercial roofer Quality Roofing Services, and media blasting company Billings Blasting.  

Creating and executing marketing programs or websites is fun but what really gets us excited is creating results for our clients. For example, hearing our client Engineered Septic and Sewer tell us that business is up 60% this year and is being driven by the website we built for them made all the work worthwhile.

Drone and Timelapse Photography Services

The work product of Commercial Roofing Companies, Residential or Commercial Construction contractors, Architectural or Engineering firms, Scaffolding or Rigging Companies, etc., can be both large in scale and drawn out in terms of production schedules. As a result, capturing images of projects or showcasing projects unfolding over time can take some creativity.

The good news here? We have drone photography, time-lapse photography, and video editing services on-site at Voncor to service clients with these unique needs. We’ve been able to use time-lapse and in-house video to create some compelling videos which dramatize both the art and craft of our client’s projects, like these for Engineered Septic & Sewer as well as Connecticut Roofcrafters.

Our Drone Photography services, examples of which are pictured above, can help you readily communicate “the forest for the trees” when it comes to big projects. We can also help you provide prospective customers with unexpected views of projects you’ve completed or use drone photography in the development of proposals or estimates. Most of our clients using these services take advantage of our retainer relationships which eliminate the hassle of trying to schedule around completion dates or weather windows.

If a Tree Falls in the Forest and Nobody Hears it – Does it Still Make a Sound?

This timeless question applies to even the most well-designed website – if nobody visits it, how effective can it be? SEO – Search Engine Optimization – is the key to web marketing success. How does your site stack up? Enter your website and email address below for a free custom report (your contact info will be used solely to provide the results – no spam. We promise.).

Small Business Blog

Google My Business Profile Tips and Tricks

Google My Business Profile Tips and Tricks

Using your Google My Business profile to Create Awareness and Drive Leads As a small business using the internet for marketing or sales, aside from a great website optimized for SEO, the most essential asset you can create is a Google My Business (GMB) page. Your GMB...

What is Google’s Project Beacon?

What is Google’s Project Beacon?

If you’ve used Google Ad Services at some point during the last 24 months or so and your business has a physical location, chances are you’ve received a little box from Google this month containing a Google Beacon.  To add to the mystery, Google hasn’t really promoted...

Current or Recent Construction and aligned Services Clients

CT Roofcrafters Profile Image

Connecticut Roofcrafters

Our longest-tenured client, we have been the marketing communications agency of record for Connecticut Roofcrafters since 2015. Our first project for CRC was to build a new website for them that communicated the breadth and quality of the residential roofs they repaired or installed. We took their existing brand and logo (which we loved!), and expanded on it in a new Word Press website which could be viewed on any device.

Upon launch, CRC retained us to manage their content and social media marketing, which includes creating blog posts, project photography, time-lapse photography, and drone photography for customer profiles and videos. In addition, we have run Google AdWords PPC and Facebook

Facebook Ad Creative

Facebook Ad Creative

Ad campaigns, as well as run Lead Generation campaigns with Houzz, HomeAdvisor and Yelp. We also developed and executed Connecticut Roofcrafters first radio campaign to target high-end Fairfield County homeowners on NPR. In addition, we also manage all of CRC’s visual branding including vehicle graphics, sales collateral and point-of-project branding.

The success we’ve had in growing Connecticut Roofcrafters business has been much appreciated by Michael Young, who has this to say about working with us: “Working with Voncor has been a “Game Changer” for me. In trying to better market my business, I have hired MANY services over the years. No one has come close to EJ’s creativity and responsiveness. I will be doing business with Voncor for a long, long time.”

Check out the Connecticut Roofcrafters Website

Engineered Septic & Sewer

Engineered Septic & Sewer owner David Acheychek came to us with a simple request:  more leads from local customers. At that point, he had an older website built on a non-responsive platform with little attention to back-end SEO. What’s more, the messaging on the website didn’t differentiate David’s company in the highly-competitive Septic and Sewer services marketplace.

Our first mission was to make ES&S stand out amongst the competition. After some marketplace analysis and an audit of both homeowners and key decision influencers (real estate agents, construction general contractors), we soon concluded that David’s status as a PE with a B.S. in civil engineering from

Engineered Septic Logo

Redesigned Logo with Engineering Focus

a major technology school, combined with decades of practical experience in site work, septic tank construction, and repair elevated his appeal dramatically. So we developed a positioning and message strategy to drive this notion and created a logo and brand ID to drive this message home.

Next, we focused on his website. We conducted category keyword research and developed a messaging architecture to communicate the “Engineered” positioning across his areas of expertise. We created unique artwork embued with the “Engineered” message and came up with a website design that is clean, elegant, and echoes the “Engineered” notion. After completing the front end, we made sure the back end of the site was populated with the appropriate SEO metadata to generate the right site traffic. You can see the new website here.

After launching the site, we went to work Directory Listings (Google My Business, Houzz, Yelp, etc) to create “Name/Address/Phone Number Consistency” – critical for Google Search Result position. The work we did for ES&S’s Google My Business page has really paid off as it’s generating approximately 1,000 website visits per month and yields on average three phone calls per week. Finally, we launched a content marketing campaign using his website, social media, and directory listings.

The results? As of February 1, 2019, David says “My leads are up 60% from my website – which people compliment all the time. I’m completely booked right now and, most importantly, because of the volume and quality of leads, I’m able to turn down less-profitable business which I couldn’t do last year.”

Septic Near Me search results

A well-built Google My Business profile (above) and video marketing (below) have helped to propel Engineered Septic and Sewer’s lead generation program.

Adelaide Website
Mold Detection Depiction
Adelaide Social Media - Facebook Page

Adelaide Environmental Health, Inc.

In December of 2016, Adelaide Environmental Health Associates – a New York-based provider of consulting services to test and then monitor the removal of toxic substances such as asbestos, lead, and mold – approached Voncor Communications about building a website to generate more qualified leads. The company hadn’t updated its brand assets or messaging in over a decade in a space where technology and innovation drive efficiency and cost. We worked with Adelaide to poll their existing Business-to-Business customers and partners to better understand why they turned to Adelaide for these services and uncovered a key insight:  when combined with their experience, the fact that Adelaide focused exclusively on testing (as opposed to abatement) made these customers feel Adelaide were unquestionably experts in this field.

With that insight, we came up with the “Experienced Experts focused exclusively on Asbestos, Lead, Mold, and PCB detection and removal monitoring” positioning and then worked it into every deliverable we created for Adelaide.

Adelaide Logo Before and After

Adelaide Logo – before and after.

We then began the process of developing a new website for Adelaide. The first task was to develop a new logo that felt contemporary and energized. We maintained the “Spinnaker” motif, but updated the color and incorporate kinetic energy. We also simplified the company name to enhance legibility.

In developing the new website, we wanted to bring forth the notion that the professionals at Adelaide were “Masters in the Art of hazardous material detection” so we utilized hyper magnified images of the materials Adelaide helps companies eliminate to create breakthrough imagery for the carousel on the website homepage.  To further establish this idea, we used a ‘before and after slider’ to depict the typical environments in which mold, asbestos, lead or PCBs might be found and demonstrated the thorough manner in which Adelaide professionals would investigate.

Since it’s launch in Q1 2017, the Adelaide website has attracted 7,245 US-based prospects who have spent an average of one minute 30 seconds researching their needs. 

In addition to the website, we also created Social Media assets for the Adelaide presence on Facebook, LinkedIn, and, most importantly, Google My Business. In our view, for a B2B player competing on a regional level, GMB plays a very important role in enhancing website SEO as well as local search. 

Do you own or manage a Connecticut Construction Company and seek help with awareness or lead generation? Tell us a bit about your needs to arrange a Complimentary Consultation.

6 + 10 =

*NOTE – YOUR PRIVACY IS IMPORTANT TO US. We will not use your email address for any reason other than to gather information for your Complimentary Consulting Session.